Sunday, April 11, 2010

Golden State BBQ Championship

Meat, Inc. competed in the Golden State BBQ Championship this weekend. The event was in Hesperia, CA and it was WINDY. During the day it was sunny and warm but the wind did not stop - ever - at all - not once. At night it was downright cold. Thankfully Joe brought his trailer so we had a place to get out of the cold when we could.

Team members attending this event were Aaron, Ryan, Noe, and Joe.

Ryan setting up.

Sunrise after a very cold and windy night.

Aaron making breakfast for the crew. A new tasty dish was invented when Aaron didn't follow his mother-in-law's recipe. Carne Asada Chowder is now the official breakfast of Meat, Inc.

Carne Asada Chowder - a soupy, potatoy, cheesy, two kinds of potato and topped with carne asada - It was out of this world!

Aaron being a super geek and taking logs of the cooking process.

This was the first time we did this event and it was well run and pretty fun. It was an IBCA event - the first time we have done a non KCBS event - so we didn't have to make the fancy turn in boxes, we used Texas Lettuce (foil) so the turn ins went quickly and with about 30 seconds of prep. I liked not having to worry about the box prep. The competition was held at the Hesperia Civic Center / Park. There was also a Cancer Walk and a bunch of Historical Cars so there was a ton of people. We got to vend tastes to the public so we got to meet a bunch of really nice people! We also did a live demonstration of how we cut and prep our pork and brisket for about 10 people per meat. It was cool to pass on some information to the crowd and I think they really got a kick out of it. We might have to do this again. I doubt many teams want to do this because it is a stressful time and you are against the clock but at this competition we had an hour between turn ins instead of the normal 1/2 hour and we had to walk about 30 feet to the judges tent so it worked out great. The two other differences were we had to turn in a 1/2 chicken and we had to turn in spare ribs. All this turned out fine too.

A few of the many hot rods. The ghost red paint job on this car was incredible.
We did pretty good in this event with a 4th place finish in chicken and an 11th place finish in brisket. We finished 14th overall out of 32 teams. Overall a good comp and we all had a blast!

Here's the link to the official page:

4th place 1/2 chicken - it was so tender and juicy we didn't even use any sauce.

Noe turning in the chicken.

Aaron pulling the ribs out of foil and getting ready to cut them up for turn in.

Rib turn in.

Joe helping out. Can you believe he's out of his chair?!?!?

Pulled pork turn in. No sauce was added and this probably hurt our score a bit because apparently the judges like sauce flavor to hide the incredible goodness of perfectly smoked pork butt!

Turn in Brisket was good for 11th place. A pretty solid finish for us. It was a bit overcooked but the judges must have liked Ryan's secret ingredient in our sauce!
Some of our new friends!

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